Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reverse Mortgage Loans- Evaluating Home Equity’s Valueand Amount Owned

A number of factors are considered to qualify for a reverse mortgage loan. It includes borrowers’ age, the value and location of the home, and debt secured by the home. What happens when your age meets the eligibility criteria of a reverse mortgage but your home equity does not qualify?

The amount received from a reverse mortgage loan is based on the value of home equity. If you own a home but value of the home equity is less than what is owed, it is not possible to apply reverse mortgage as an option to meet your financial needs. The lender does not qualify your home if it fails to exceed the amount owed.

While the amount received from reverse mortgage varies based on the different reverse mortgage products, it is still not higher than 50% of the home equity. To evaluate your home and debts, you must consult from a professional counselor who will help you to understand the situation clearly. Reverse Mortgage Group is one such organization that helps evaluate the whole financial situation before you apply for this type of loan.

If there is a possibility to pay the difference in the amount to be received from the lender and the debt from other sources, you still can consider reverse mortgage loan as an option. A senior homeowner, however, smart and intelligenthe or she may be,can always benefit from expert help.

Apply for a loan with an in-depth understanding of the various loan products. Visit the site ( to contact them at your earliest available moment; it could bring you closer to financial freedom.


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